Essential Actions
Essential Actions describe what the most effective EPPs do to support powerful educator preparation.
Essential Action 1
Program-LEA Partnerships
Program establishes formal partnerships with LEAs that include collaborative teacher candidate recruitment, training, placement, hiring, and support for new teachers.
KP 1.1
Establishes an articulated partnership agreement that includes data-informed shared vision and goals, areas of mutual interdependence, and detailed roles and responsibilities.
KP 1.2
Collaboratively select schools with LEA partners for all practice-based experiences, focusing on supporting prioritized.
KP 1.3
Codifies high-quality mentor teacher selection criteria (i.e., effective practitioners, proficient coaches) with LEA partner and co-selects high-quality mentor, cooperating and host teachers.
KP 1.4
Embeds high-quality faculty and staff within the LEA partner sites who consistently support, coach, and evaluate teacher candidates.
KP 1.5
Aligns preparation curriculum and training with LEA partner curricular materials and coaching protocols.
KP 1.6
Requires faculty and staff to engage in training aligned with the program and LEA partners’ instructional priorities to ensure the program’s goals, instruction, teacher candidate evaluation tool(s), and coaching practices are aligned with those of their partner LEA.
KP 1.7
Provide targeted, personalized support for teacher candidates’ transition to induction with LEA partners and long-term coaching to support new teachers’ professional goals and growth in their early years of teaching.
Essential Action 2
Collaborative Governance
Program and LEA partner engage in ongoing collaborative governance structures that include exchanging data and information to plan, monitor, and improve partnership activities that support teacher candidates.
KP 2.1
Systematically collects reliable teacher candidate performance data, K-12 partnership feedback, faculty performance data, and teacher candidate outcomes data that informs and fosters partnership activities to support new teachers.Â
KP 2.2
Analyzes and uses in the aggregate (i.e., for a cohort of teacher candidates, for a given school site, etc.) and disaggregate (in ways that are appropriate for the program) data to assess the quality of the program and partnership.
KP 2.3
Creates data-informed partnership action plans with measurable goals and monitors ongoing progress that supports teacher candidates’ professional growth.